Friday, August 24, 2012

10 Days With No Posts?

What is the world coming to?

Oh yeah...

International Convention.

20 Year Anniversary Convention.

Free Ipads. (Sweet!)

Actually one of the better conventions I've been to for a number of reasons.

Working in the "Fitness Zone" helping people stretch out and relax and even get a quick tough workout in? Awesome. Throwing in some mean workouts with the other 'trainers' like myself? Fantastic! (and it got me a lot of Fitocracy Points!) Ipad 2's for all Employees and Distributors? WOW! I had to wait to get mine until after the convention - but hey - I've got one now!

Like I said, loads of reasons. 
But the number ONE reason that made this better than all other conventions for me?

I'm healthier and more fit than I've ever been. I didn't feel like a zombie! Normally after the first day I feel the craving for BRAINS as it were... but I didn't feel that way at all even on Saturday afternoon!

THAT is a fantastic feeling!

Anyway if you want to see most of what I did in the Fitness Zone at convention - it's up on my Fitocracy Profile. I'm not sure if you have to be a member to see that. LOTS of bicep curls, TONS of foam rolling, and a whole bunch of other random things :) It was a lot of fun.

My work has a climbing wall! I was able to take part in the "Trainer Training" course this week, so next week I will be training between 10 and 20 people on how to wear the harness, how to tie a figure-8 knot, how to tie in for climbing, how to belay (using a grigri), and how to climb! I'm excited to climb more, and actually use my shoes and harness that I got years ago but never had the chance to use too much.

Tuesday had a  4 mile run on the BST - It has been a while since I ran that portion of the BST, it was nice to run it with my brother and younger cousin. It's amazing what the power of Youth can do... running with young kids like that reminds me that I'm getting old. I'm more than twice his age! Crazy! I can still beat him in speed and overall stamina, but he does good on those hills!

Here are some pictures of the fun, including the little RATTLESNAKE that was trying to warm up in the cooling night air on the trail. Yeah you can't really see him in the picture but I promise he was there!

Rattlesnake!!! Somewhere in the middle left...

Crossfit Time!

Holy moly that was nuts!
15 KB Swings, .1 mile Run, 10 KB Swings, Run , 5 KB Swings, Run
10 KB Goblet Squat/Pushups, 7 GobSquats/Pushups, 5 GobSquats/Pushups
5 Right arm KB Swing, 5 right arm KB Press, 5 left arm KB Swing, 5 left arm KB Press - 3 sets

2 KB Snatch, 2 KB Rack Squat Right arm, 2 KB Snatch, 2 KB Rack Squat Left arm
Run up 3 Parking structure levels, across the top of the structure, jump over a wall, around a light post, back across and down the stairs (about .2 miles each time)
Repeat for 4, 6, 8, 10 reps on the Snatches and Squats, with running in between and at the end. Timed.

I finished in 12:21, I was probably 3rd or 4th finished overall. I'm pretty happy, especially since I was a bit late and ended up with a 40 lb KB instead of the 35 I normally use!

FINALLY we finished up with PISTOL Squats. I have NEVER been able to do one of these fully - and BAM after a few falls/balance issues I did 20 on each leg!! BOOM. Yeah I felt awesome. I love accomplishing stuff like that!!

Yoga Update!
So we have a new Yoga Teacher/Fitness-Wellness Intern at work who is starting new Yoga classes. I decided I should try out her class along with the other teachers Tues Class to see which ones I could fit into my schedule. I did Yoga Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AND this morning!
The new intern also was in the Fitness Zone at Convention, and she was the main push behind some of our crazy interval workouts we did. Her yoga classes are fantastic, and they really add that little bit of challenge to the common and even simple poses that just seems to be missing for me from the other classes that have been happening. The other Teacher does a good job - I really can't complain. But there is just something missing from those...

I know for sure I really like the Friday morning classes, especially since now I can follow them with 30-40 minutes of Climbing Wall climbing before starting Friday work!

Now I have to rest up for a Tough Mudder workout in the morning!

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