Tuesday, July 24, 2012

An Awesome Workout by my Wife!

Went to yoga at work today... nothing too special. It felt good to work through some of the kinks in my back, shoulders, and hips, but otherwise it wasn't particularly challenging or enlightening.

We were kind of expecting to have a running night tonight but because it is a local holiday some (24th of July, Pioneer Day!) people were busy so we invited my sister and family over for a workout similar to the fun one I had on Saturday. Kakes decided she would put together the workout and she did a great job! She came up with 4 stations each with 4 workouts we could do in our backyard.

Of course, I made sure to get pictures of this momentous occasion! Actually USING the stuff we've built and acquired for backyard workouts! I'm so impressed with us!

Station One!

Station Two!

Station 3!

Station 4!

Yeah... I'm pretty amazing, I mean I TAPED those papers to trees, fence posts, and square foot gardens. Talk about tough work!!

Seriously though - props to Kakes for coming up with a great workout! We set a timer and did each workout at our station for 1 minute, then moved to the next station and continued until we had gone through all 16 workouts.

First I recruited my 10 year old to take a few pictures of us during our first round... They turned out pretty blurry! But he got some good ones too. Then after we finished - I did a few more of the workouts so we could get some of the other workouts too!

That's a weird face...

Okay, so I always have a weird face. Knee hops make me feel like I'm doing Insanity again!

Ring pushups - normally I'd have the rings a lot lower

My beautiful wife displaying the squat

...and the plank with baby-pose!

Where's my head!?

So much fun!! Fly away little medicine ball! Fly AWAY!!

The fabled Tire-head-man! Rare sight!

Fun workout. I definitely look forward to doing these more often... and not just with the Tough Mudder guys, although I am looking forward to more of those too.

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