Tuesday I decided it was time to get the kids post in for their pullup bar. I dug about half the hole that night while Kakes was at a baby shower. The kids 'helped'.
Wednesday I finished digging and cemented the post in, and because the post was a bit warped from rainy days leaning against the house, I attached the bar to it as well, so it would dry and cure the way I wanted it to.
Thursday night we met for a Family running night - the girls did the Lagoon trail, we did Bair Canyon again. It's been a while!
Just over 4 miles total - My GPS program that tracks my run has been acting up lately and NOT working correctly. Could be the program, could be the GPS. Who knows. I wish it'd work though!
Friday at Crossfit we repeated "
The Executive" workout that we did two weeks ago. Unfortunately somebody complained to the HR department about people taking off their shirts during crossfit workouts... so no more of that. It was HOT. I do much better when I can take my shirt off. Seriously. ANYWAY last time I did this workout in 15:06, this time I did it in 14:51! So I beat my last time by 15 seconds and got below 15 minutes yay! I think I could have been even faster had I been able to take my shirt off and sweat more freely. I'm completely serious about that too! As a challenge after, we did Pullups and Dips. 15 body weight pullups and 20 body weight dips, then 10 pullups and 15 dips with a 10 lb plate, and finishing with 5 pullups and 10 dips with a 25 lb plate. I was able to do them all!
Today I put my three giant tires into my van, grabbed my 35 lb kettlebell, my 16 lb sledgehammer, my 17 lb home-made medicine ball, and drove up to Freedom Hills park to meet with some of the members of my Tough Mudder team for a WORKOUT. 4 guys showed up (including myself) - one of whom had decided to run from his house in Kaysville to the park in Farmington... Next time he won't do that! My friend Justin brought a 65 lb sand bag, another 35 lb kettlebell (exactly the same as mine actually, but a shiny finish compared to mine) a 10 lb hammer and an 8 lb medicine ball. We did a 15 minute interval circuit (40 seconds workout, 20 seconds rest and switch to next station) with the following exercises:
Side swing hammer slams with the 16 lb hammer
Throw and chase with the 8 lb medicine ball
Overhead hammer slams with the 10 lb hammer
Farmer Carry 2 35 lb kettle bells
Reverse overhead throw 17 lb medicine ball
Clean and Press 65 lb Sandbag
For our second part we did a relay run/carry where one person starts and carries the kettlebell across the field runs back and brings the medicine ball, back and brings the sledge hammer, back and flips the tire across the field. That tire flip was the worst part of the workout! We did that twice.
Good workout - I'm looking forward to our next one in two weeks!