Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Summiting of Mount Timpanogos

I have always heard great things about the trail to the summit of Mount Timpanogos in Utah County of this great state of Utah.

But in all my 30+ years in this place... I'd never been up there! I still haven't been to Timpanogos Cave, but Saturday morning I finally made it up to the top.

Why now finally?

We had a friend who was doing something crazy. She was attempting to run up to the summit and back down SIX times in one go.

That's about 82-86 miles just because.

That attempt also happened to be on my lovely wife's birthday so we thought we would try to find a way to go support her on that when we were invited to sleep over in Heber with family and go with THEM up Timpanogos on Saturday morning with my niece babysitting!

Babysitting being the biggest obstacle to our adventures... we jumped on that opportunity and headed up to Heber.

5 AM we were up and getting on the road to the trailhead. I got a bit carsick because my brother-in-law Steve is a bit of a maniac driver!

Still we made it and were on the trail at about 6:30 AM

and really

I think I'll just let the video show you:

Completely happy that we were able to make it to the top of Timp. Total time was just under 6 hours - 15 miles total! That moving time of 4 hours was not bad. I think I could cut up to an hour off that too! We'll have to give it a try sometime!

I am really excited about doing some more peak runs now...

Now to figure out babysitting!

1 comment :

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    Keep it up. I will be visiting again.
