Monday, May 7, 2012

Run, Run, Run, BJJ, Camp!

My last post was about last Monday's run. That was a nice run, the beginning of what would be a pretty crazy week!

I'm not sure what will happen with tonight's run as my sister and her husband are sick, but we still have 2 couples that can go... so we'll see! Sickness going around! No fun.

So Tuesday night we had the 2nd night of running so my sister (the same one) and hubby could have a run that week. We started up by a shooting range in the foothills, ran North along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail (BST) across a few streams and gullies, and then back down through the neighborhood to my sisters house. Great route!

Wednesday night I decided I needed to redo the run I'd done with my wife on Saturday - see how well I'd do on my own. Ended up adding a mile and a half to it by running farther on the BST and back to my car. 3.6 miles total with a vert of 1252. I took some pictures on this run, I climbed up on to the big rock up at the waterfall top, but they aren't on my phone anymore so I'll have to add them later if I remember.

Thursday I went to a Brazilian Jiujitsu class at work. Started with some Shrimping drills, knee-walking drills, Plank-type Sprawling drills, and then worked on some moves to get somebody who is in your guard with some sweeps, kimura, and standing. Cool class, although it is difficult to be the smallest person in the room! I was the fittest though as the warmup drills didn't get my breathing hard and everybody else was huffing and puffing. Looking forward to learning more!

Friday was Crossfit. Dave (the normal trainer) wasn't there so Ryan, a coworker who just opened his own Crossfit Box put together a workout for us.
10 Pushups, 10 V-ups, 10 Air Squats, 10 KB Swings Repeated 2 times
1/4 mile run
15 KB Swings (I used a 40lb KB)
15 Toe to Bar
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (40 lb KB again)
15 AB Situps (feet together in cobbler-pose type with knees down, sit up and touch ground in front of toes)
15 Push Press (started with 80 lbs, then did 50 lbs, my shoulders hurt from BJJ!)
Repeat 4 times

I kept a fast pace for the 4 quarter-miles, pushing it up to 9 mph for the last round. Good workout, and my abs are still sore. None of the exercises were hard, my wife says I make those toe to bar moves look easy - but SIXTY of them is a lot!

After work on Friday I packed up the car and took the boys up campin' for a Fathers and Sons outing. It was cold in the night and I slept on a nice hard rock (not the same one I'm doing Mayurasana on below thankfully) and felt pretty dead the rest of the weekend because of it.

We did see some cool cars on our way home - the Ferraris and Lamborghini's and Corvettes seemed to have been a bit lost up here!

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